What Is Your Legacy?

I was asked recently what my Dad’s greatest legacy was.  Today I read Harry Tucker’s post about legacy and came up with this definition:

Your legacy = the sum total of the impact you have on others, and the impact they have on others, and so on…

What Is Your Legacy?

(If you would like to add to your definition of Legacy, please comment, I would love to see it!)

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8 Comments on “What Is Your Legacy?”

  1. Harry Tucker Says:

    Dear Tom,

    I am very humbled by your reference to my blog. Thank you from my heart.

    I am blessed to have learned from the best – people like your wonderful father and you who continue his legacy of sharing and teaching with an authenticity of heart and spirit.

    God bless you, your father and your wonderful family and team members for a Blessed 2010 filled with love, gratitude, sharing .. and of course …. legacy building.


    • Tom Ziglar Says:

      Harry – Over 30 years ago Dad came up with a mission statement for himself and our company and it still guides what we do. It is:

      “To be the Difference Maker in the personal, family, professional, and spiritual lives of enough people to make a positive difference in America and the world.”

      The point being, Dad’s legacy didn’t just happen, it is very intentional. He has lived every day by his vision and mission.

      Thanks Harry for the impact you are having on others.

      • Harry Tucker Says:

        Hi Tom,

        What I like about how your father did this is two-fold:

        1. He set out with intention and purpose, doing his best to guide his own actions instead of letting them be guided by the whims of others. Even if he got momentarily knocked off target, he still had the target to realign himself with to get back on track.

        2. His purpose was to make a difference in the lives of others. How many people can say that that is their purpose?

        There is a model there that many should follow. 🙂

        God Bless all of you and best wishes for a healthy 2010 – a year of continuing inspiration and living a Life on purpose!


  2. Sharon Eden Says:

    Hi Tom…

    Felt soft warm connection with your father as I read his ‘mission statement’ or, in my framework, his purpose for being here. For that’s always about ourselves AND others… the service we bring to our communities and the world. And by so doing, the service we bring to ourselves through living an intended and intentional life.

    Thank you so much for sharing Dad’s mission statement and for helping me re-member.

    Warm warm wishes… Sharon

  3. Anthony Palevo Says:

    At this this time i am jobless, however i am volunteering in my field of work EKG Tech (Non-Invasive Cardiology at the V.A.The hope is to be hired there soon. Is this a good idea? My Emergency Fund will last for another three months.


  4. My legacy= “Depositing a light into the hearts of as many men, women & children as I possibly can in my lifetime. Thus, enabling them 2 do the same for others & ultimately making our world shine a little bit brighter.”~Risaun Simmons

  5. Archie Winningham Says:

    Legacy = My wife, two sons and everyone else remembering me as one whose priorities were set on godly principles, in everything I do. Most important of all would be that they know the key elements to having that peace inside of them that surpasses all understanding. That’s the peace that will ensure we will all be together once in for all in Heaven.
    No amount of money or material things will ever fill that void in each of our lives.

  6. Tom,

    As stated this morning, thanks for bringing this up. It just goes to show how the Lord works. I was writing about Leaving a Legacy for a speech and thought, “Hmmm, this will take some thought to address correctly.” Then the Lord brought that statement from you.

    I also believe, leaving a legacy means leaving something behind for others; in other words, not leaving family or the people you touch empty handed. The best we all hope for is that it is there for others long after we are gone.

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